Longevity & Hormonal Health
These protocols are designed to rebalance your hormones, sexual health and fertility to activate your innate longevity and improve how you feel.
What’s included?
Multidisciplinary clinical review of your medical file and your health case.
An in-depth medical assessment of your health background, current symptoms, lifestyle habits and nutrition.
An in-depth medical assessment of your hormonal and sexual health with ultrasound screening
The most innovative lab, genetic and imaging tests to help analyse your current state and start building your tailored- made personal program.
We’ll help you understand the ideal dietary approach to reach your goals and create an individualized plan to help restore and maintain your optimal health.
Personalized nutraceutical and bioidentical treatment. Anti-age lifestyle
Professional support every 4 weeks to help you navigate any challenges you may be facing with nutrition, implementing the lifestyle plan, or taking supplements.
In-depth review of the results of the 12 weeks treatment, discussion of the furthers steps. Personalized plan of Gut health maintenance.
Complimentary treatments
In the event you may require more in-depth diagnostics and/or age-reverse medical intervention, you might receive additional medical recommendations.